1. Name of the Association
The name of the Association shall be the Dunfermline / Trondheim Twinning Association.
2. Aims of the Association
(A) To continue and enhance the Bond of Friendship with the Youth of Trondheim established by the Youth of Dunfermline on 6th May 1945 and to promote and foster friendship and understanding between the people of Dunfermline and the people of Trondheim in Norway and those of other communities with which the Association may later form links.
(B) To encourage visits by individuals and groups to and from linked communities, particularly by children and young people, and the development of personal contacts, and by so doing to broaden the mutual understanding of the cultural, recreational, educational and commercial activities of the linked communities.
(C) To organise fund-raising activities to foster the aims of the Association.
3. Membership
Membership shall be open to all persons or organisations in sympathy with the aims of the Association. There shall be three categories of membership:-
(a) Individual Membership
(b) Family Membership, being open to all members of a family excepting sons or daughters over the age of eighteen years
(c) Corporate Membership. entitling not more than two members of the corporate body to the rights conferred on individual or family members.
4. Committee
The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the Management Committee consisting of six members, one of whom shall be nominated by Fife Council, and the remaining five shall be elected by the Members of the Association being broadly representative of organisations, associations, clubs and individuals in Dunfermline and District.
(a) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt and co-opted members shall have the right to vote.
(b) The quorum shall be three.
(c) The Committee shall have the power to set up Sub committees which shall have the power to co-opt to their membership with the power to vote.
5. Election of Committee and Office-bearers
The Committee shall be elected at the first meeting of the Association on the adoption of this Constitution, and at each subsequent Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Committee shall forthwith from their own number appoint a Chairman or Convenor, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer and such other office-bearers as seems necessary or desirable. An Honorary Auditor shall be appointed by the members at the first or Annual General Meeting being a suitably qualified non office bearer.
6. Sub Committees
The Chairman/Convener of the Management Committee, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all sub committees.
7. Annual General Meeting
The Management Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting of the Association between 1st April and 30th June in each Year, giving each member at least fourteen day's written Notice.
8. Voting at General Meetings
(a) Only Members present in person or by proxy shall be entitled to vote.
(b) Each individual Member shall be entitled to one vote and each Family or Corporate member shall be entitled to two votes provided that two members of such Family or two representatives of each Corporate Member are present in person or by proxy.The Chairman/Convener shall have a casting vote.
9. Special General Meetings
A Special General Meeting of the Association may be called at any time on a written request signed by at least ten members of the Association delivered to the Honorary Secretary containing details of the matter to be discussed and the proposed motion. The Management shall thereupon arrange the Special General meeting to deal with the matter and at least twenty eight day's written Notice specifying the business to be transacted shall be given to each member.
10. Accounts.
Audited Accounts to 31st March of each Year shall be submitted to each Annual General Meeting. All monies received on behalf of the Association shall be kept in safe custody by the Honorary Treasurer and any cheques drawn on the Association's Account shall be signed by any two of the Chairman/Convener. Honorary Treasurer or Honorary Secretary.
11. Subscriptions
All Subscription shall be determined at the First and Subsequent Annual General Meetings and shall be payable not later than two months of the date of the meeting. Different rates of Subscription may be fixed for different categories of members. Membership shall lapse in the event of non-payment of subscription within the prescribed period but may be renewed on subsequent payment at the discretion of the Management Committee.
12. Charitable Status
The Association shall seek registration as a Charity and shall so conduct its affairs as to continue to qualify for such registration and shall comply with all relevant legislation.
13. Amendments to Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution shall only be made at an Annual or Special General Meeting. In either case Notice of the proposed Amendment(s) shall be given in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least twenty one days before the meeting and shall be included in the Notice calling the meeting. No such Amendment shall be carried unless not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting vote in favour of the Amendment.
14. Dissolution of the Association
A Motion for dissolution of the Association shall be dealt with as an amendment to the Constitution. On dissolution all surplus funds shall be transferred to such Charity or Charities as the Committee shall in its absolute discretion decide. |